Formerly titled “APOGEE” and “DEFIANCE”, is an ongoing comic book series launching next year from scribes Dan Watters (Limbo) and Alex Paknadel (Arcadia), and “Assassin’s Creed” video game storyboard artist, José Holder.
Kicking off in February, the series will follow the ongoing Phoenix Project storyline, and feature several characters from “Assassin’s Creed” lore, including Juhani Otso Berg, Galina Voronina, Kiyoshi Takakura and Arend Schut, in addition to Charlotte De La Cruz and Black Cross from Titan’s current “Assassin’s Creed” & “Templars” comics.
Kicking off in February, the series will follow the ongoing Phoenix Projectstoryline, and feature several characters from “Assassin’s Creed” lore, including Juhani Otso Berg, Galina Voronina, Kiyoshi Takakura and Arend Schut, in addition to Charlotte de la Cruz and Black Cross from Titan’s current “Assassin’s Creed” & “Templars” comics.
In the first arc, tensions are running high for both the Brotherhood and the Templar Order. A nefarious new world order is on the horizon and only a united team of Assassin’s have the knowledge and skill to save humanity from subjugation.