Charlotte De La Cruz is in way over her head. With the realization that she is now deep in trouble with the Templars, her only hope is to unravel the mystery of what they want from her… and to do that she needs the Animus. Diving into the memories of her Inca ancestor, Quila, she is desperate for a clue, a link, anything that might point towards a little more… knowledge.


The mundane life of Charlotte De La Cruz is flipped upside down when she is catapulted into the shadowy world of the Assassin Brotherhood. Joining them in their centuries-old fued with the Templar Order, Charlotte is inducted into the rites of the Brotherhood as she leaps into her genetic memories of her Assassin ancestor, Tom Stoddard.

Searching desperately for a clue that could save lives, Charlotte witnesses firsthand the panic and hysteria of the terrifying Salem Witch Trials.


The Brotherhood of the Assassins is in trouble. Their long feud with the Templar Order has depleted their resources and they are struggling to regain their footing in a world where the goalposts are constantly shifting. Could joining forces with a mysterious collective help, or are their aims too different to make an alliance an option? Join Charlotte de la Cruz and Galina Voronina as they try and navigate a clear path for the Assassins through turbulent waters!