An interesting article that claims to have inside information about the next Assassin’s Creed reports that the next game is expected to explore the original Assassins Guild and to feature two main characters, a man and a woman. It is unclear if the male and the female are both in the historical era or modern day and history, but based on the rumors we’ve known so far regarding the protagonist being a man named Bayek, I personally speculate that if these new rumors are true, then the female protagonist would most likely be the lead playable character of the modern day segment.
Among the other interesting points report the same points that were featured in the original rumor/leak such as naval combat, new character progression system, a less linear experience and the possibility to go beyond ancient Egypt to Greece.
So far, there hasn’t been any official announcements or confirmations regarding the next Assassin’s Creed game, so all this remains within the realm of rumors and speculations.