At PAX East 2017, an Assassin’s Creed Movie panel was held, hosted by Assassin’s Creed Head of Content, Azaîzia Aymar, joined by Naomi Kyle with the guests Tim Wildgoose (weapons master) and Michelle Lin. The event was streamed live on Twitch and can be watch here. Among the interesting subjects discussed at the panel was that Ubisoft is currently considering the creation of an Assassin’s Creed TV series. Not much information was revealed, nor is anything being filmed or greenlit at the moment, but it’s official that a possible TV Show for the acclaimed franchise is being considered.
At PAX East 2017, an Assassin’s Creed Movie panel was held, hosted by Assassin’s Creed Head of Content, Azaîzia Aymar, joined by Naomi Kyle with the guests Tim Wildgoose (weapons master) and Michelle Lin. The event was streamed live on Twitch and can be watch here. Among the interesting subjects discussed at the panel was that Ubisoft is currently considering the creation of an Assassin’s Creed TV series. Not much information was revealed, nor is anything being filmed or greenlit at the moment, but it’s official that a possible TV Show for the acclaimed franchise is being considered.