Also known as Erudito Collective, is a hacking collective, once operated against the Templar Order-run Abstergo Industries.
Though it was originally unclear whether Erudito was one or many people, evidence suggested that a collection of several independent users was more likely, which was confirmed through their correspondence to an individual who appealed to Abstergo’s aims. Despite this, the members who made up the Erudito Collective were united by their common purpose, to reveal the truths censored by Abstergo in its products.
Erudito utilizes a broad range of communication methods, including emails, to spread their information. Members would also directly contact members of the Assassins, at certain points, such as Desmond Miles, in addition to participants in Abstergo’s Project Legacy and the Animus Project.
In 2016, the group returned to operation, after a considerable hiatus period and lack of activity. It is presumed that they still operate against Abstergo Industries and the Templar Order, but the truth behind their renewed purpose and their new allegiances remain unknown.
Also known as Prometheus or The Erudite God, is a First Civilization member and a scientist, responsible for the creation of the Swords of Eden alongside his master, Hephaestus during the War of Unification. Later, after the death of Hephaestus and the end of the Unification War, Consus created the first Shroud of Eden prototype which is meant to heal on a cellular level.
Later as his death was approaching, knowing that the Shroud was unable to prevent death, he transferred his consciousness to the Shroud, leading him to remain trapped inside it, unable to talk or inform anyone of his status, and to be forgotten for millennia. It was discovered that Consus was able posses and interact with anyone who wears the Shroud, mainly in near-death states. A feat that led to numerous appearances of Consus and meaningful interactions between humans throughout history and modern day through this method.
Centuries after this, Juno, an Isu scientist was able to discover the prototype in Consus’ lab. She managed to interact with Consus and informed him about the creation of mankind, a theory that he thought to be impossible at his time. She understood that he managed to transfer his consciousness into the Shroud and learned the method to accomplish this task and used this to develop the fifth solution to save the world -which was abandoned- yet she secretly used this method to transfer her consciousness into the Grand Temple, driven by her hatred for humanity after the war and her refusal to let them inherit the Earth after her kind is gone.
Before the Grand Temple was sealed, someone took the Shroud away from Juno and during the next millennia it passed from owner to owner, Consus helping and conversing with humans with whom he came into contact. Though this contacts he became at some point known as Prometheus.
A Titan, whom according to Greek mythology, created mankind and stole fire from Mount Olympus to allow humans to create their own civilization. A potential reference to Consus eternal imprisonment into the Shroud, Prometheus’ punishment for rebelling against the gods, was to be chained to a rock for eternity, where an eagle would eat his liver daily.
Still in ancient Greece, Consus also came in contact with Jason, the leader of the Argonauts. A Greek hero, who was sent by King Pelias to retrieve an object called the Golden Fleece, a mythical object of great healing powers; in reality, the prototype Shroud shielding the conciousness of Consus.
In the early 1500s, he became a guardian of sorts to Giovanni Borgia, an Assassin born into the notorious Borgia family. In 1498, shortly after his birth, Giovanni Borgia was discovered to be malformed and likely to die within a few days.
The Assassin Perotto Calderon was able to heal his presumed son after stealing the Shroud, one of the Pieces of Eden created by the First Civilization. Throughout his childhood thereafter, Giovanni would have delusions of seeing a nonexistent being, whom he befriended and called Consus. Consus often spoke in Giovanni’s head and gave him advice, even once allowing Giovanni to read a letter given to him, though the boy himself did not know how at the time.
When Giovanni and Maria Amiel traveled to the Temple of Pythagoras in the late 16th century, the Vault within it reacted to Giovanni as it would to a descendant of the First Civilization, shining with symbols and glyphs. When Giovanni fell unconscious and awoke soon after, his face had changed into that of a seemingly ancient entity. He spoke in a distant and unfamiliar voice, where he claimed himself to be Consus, the Erudite God.
In 1692, Consus somehow bonded to a young girl named Dorothy Osborne and was able to speak through her, in what appeared to be visions. His presence sparked the events that led to the Salem witch trials, with the Assassins and Templars fighting to gain control of Dorothy and communicate with/manipulate Consus through her. Eventually after the Puritans led by the Templar William Stoughton captured her, Dorothy committed suicide to prevent the Templars from using her connection with Consus to cause more innocent deaths.
In reality, Consus was attempting to make contact with Charlotte de la Cruz, who was relieving the genetic memories of her ancestor Tom Stoddard, cryptically advising her to seek “the ones with greater knowledge”. Later, de la Cruz understood that Consus was telling her to find Erudito, a 21th century hacking collective and an organization of truth seekers.
By 1944, the prototype Shroud, which had been in possession of William Robert Woodman during the previous century, had ended up in Milan, in the hands of the Baguttiani family. On Christmas Day that year, Templar agent Keith Scipione purchased the Shroud from the family, and sent the device to an Abstergo facility.
In 2011, Templar Isabelle Ardant found the Shroud, which was believed to be broken, and gave it to Abstergo scientist Álvaro Gramática for repair in order to satisfy Alan Rikkin. Álvaro ultimately repaired the Shroud by killing himself, thus summoning Consus, who possessed Álvaro’s body and spoke through him, before finally healing him. All this happened in front of a horrified Isabelle.
This led Álvaro to discover that whenever the Shroud heals what would normally be a fatal wound, Consus could temporarily possess the wearer and be able to speak through them. Álvaro started using the Shroud on his new test subject Violet da Costa, repeatedly shooting her in the head so he could communicate with Consus and learn his secrets.
On 21 December 2012, as he was talking to Gramática through Violet, Consus instantly became aware of the release of Juno from her imprisonment in the Grand Temple, after Desmond Miles sacrificed his life to prevent the world destruction by an incoming solar flare. Greatly disturbed by the event, Consus claimed that all was now lost.
On 17 November 2013, Violet and Berg who had grown concerned by the threat posed by Juno and her growing number of followers, went to Paris, in order to use the Shroud to contact Consus and gain insight on Juno’s motivations. Consus then warned them about Juno’s dangerousness and scheming nature and told them that as a non-corporeal being she had infiltrated the global network.
The prototype Shroud, and apparently Consus’ consciousness, were unwittingly destroyed in late 2014, when the Assassins Shaun Hastings and Galina Voronina destroyed Álvaro’s Parisian lab, where the Shroud was being held. As his final act, Consus used what remained of the Shroud’s damaged power to heal Álvaro, who had been fatally injured by a grenade.
In 2016, after she followed Consus’ instructions that she received while relieving her ancestor’s memories in Salem, Charlotte de la Cruz made contact with Erudito. The organization which had learned about Juno’s plan to create a new body by manipulating the Templars’ Phoenix Project by using Instruments moles, decided to ally themselves with de la Cruz and her Assassin team to stop the Isu.
Believing that Consus was Humanity’s last hope and the antithesis of Juno, Erudito decided to use Charlotte connection with the entity to learn more about him through the Animus, allowing the young Assassin to witness Consus’ various appearances through the centuries.