In Assassin’s Creed Origins, we encountered six transmissions from the First Civilization by activating ancient mechanisms hidden inside the massive Isu structures buried beneath Egyptian tombs or encased within the desert and mountains of Egypt. The transmissions are recorded between the 91st to the 110th days after the Great Catastrophe, also known as Toba Catastrophe, which destroyed the First Civilization and circa 75,000 BCE and eventually leading to their extinction and oblivion in the following centuries, while humanity thrives due to their higher population. The recorders of these transmissions are apparently the ones referred to as Gods in Egyptian mythology, and that is based on the nature of the names of the ancient tombs and their extreme likeness to Ancient Egyptian language. It must also be noted that the term “Isu” which is the official name of the First Civilization, according to Juno means “The Ancient Ones” in Ancient Egyptian language, which further confirms that the Egyptian gods are in fact, members of the First Civilization.
The messages within each transmission are directed at Layla, our new present day protagonist who’s reliving the memories of Bayek of Siwa and Aya through the Animus. The First Civilization members directing the messages talk about events in during their timeline as well as their calculations of events that took place throughout all of recorded human history, including famous discoveries, plagues, wars and technological advancements as well as the events of Desmond Miles life, his sacrifice to save the world and the imminent danger which he helped prevent in December 21st, 2012, in addition to revealing more about their divination for the future, and some jaw-dropping speculations that could change the way we observe reality and the world.
Transmission 1 speaks of reality as a simulation. It challenges the lister regarding their comprehension of what’s real and what is simulated, comparing how real we feel in the real world vs. the sense of realism that the Animus gives its user as well as the bleeding effect, and adds how they (the First Civilization) went through numerous simulations of the future through their calculations until they found the Desmond we see in the games, then goes on in a philosophical manner regarding the possibility of reality and life itself being a simulation.
The recording adds that the Turing test wouldn’t really prove whether one’s consciousness is real or simulated, as Eliza, the natural language processing computer program passed the Turing test, yet she was very much a machine.
“In any case, simulations are not meaningless. They have purpose.The question isn’t whether or not you are in a simulation. What matters is how much of your free will is actually yours. No matter how true you are.”
The first transmission, quoted above, states that simulations have a purpose and aren’t meaningless and what matters most is your own free will within it.
In the Transmission 2, human language and its creation, purpose and numerous uses is discussed along with its limitations due to the very fact that humanity was engineered by the First Civilization to have boundaries in their thinking. The recording also mentions The Code, a set of equations that define life.
“They are nestled deep within every star. and every mote of dust. Every second that passes is a word. a symbol. All part of an intricate yet simple language existing within the framework of time itself. It is the one rule which applies to us all. Immutable. inescapable.”
The speaker in the recording adds that The Code is a bridge, a single point of cohesion between human civilization and the First Civilization. The Code is defined as a language that can be read, that tells of what was, what is and what will be. A language those who came before can read, but not humanity.
The transmission also touches on the nature of time itself being more than the the hours of the day, atomic clock or a quantifiable element to lose or run out of, but actually a set of rules, similar to computer languages. The transmissions states that time defines things that are yet to happen, and that time is in fact, The Code, which is the language which existence is made of.
“Just as you are blind. You may read your watch. You may read hourglasses and calendars. But you cannot grasp, beyond that simplistic surface. For now. the true reading of time still escapes you.”
Transmission 3 speaks more of the First Civilization’s future predictions and simulations through their calculations, seeing writings on the walls of events yet to come (from their own time) and discusses the inability of humans to see beyond the surface of things, and being unable to read into the universal language.
“On the night of December 21st 2012. as the sun set on their days, humankind went to bed. Then, on the morning of December 22nd 2012. humankind was graced with yet another morning. They never knew that on the previous day. the world almost ended. We thought that would have been enough. And it was until it wasn’t.”
In Transmission 4, a pivotal plot point from the franchise’s past is brought up, the end of the world. The recording speaks of December 21st, 2012 and how Desmond Miles saved the world from the imminent danger of the Solar Flare, all while the world went on with their lives, unaware of the prevented danger. However, the transmission states that what Desmond Miles did merely postponed the inevitable, and the danger is still imminent as the world is closing in on us.
The transmission speaks of the flow of events, of reality and existence and the algorithm that define our destiny, comparing them to lines, being fluid and continues, and nodes which are changeless. The lines that extend in different directions, meaning different possibilities, but the nodes represent absolute truths. These nodes cannot be changed. They can be delayed maybe, depending on which paths we take, but eventually, our path will get to that point. It also mentions a series of possibilities and methods that are capable of ending the world, devices constructed by mankind and can trigger a catastrophic event, if triggered. The node is near, the transmission adds, and that node wants the world to end, meaning that a catastrophic event, comparable to Toba Catastrophe which led to the extinction of the Isu, and the Solar Flare which Desmond Miles prevented, is happening soon.
“There are parts of Time we preferred you to remained blind to. It was a necessity.
We have six senses, you have five. Can you guess the one missing?”
The sixth and final Transmission insists that reality and life itself is in fact a simulation, governed by The Code, and encourages the listener to wake up, change their ways of perception and create something new, to transgress and break away from order. It speaks of the Animus as being mankind’s way of looking into the past through genetic memory, which has a fatal flaw of allowing humans to see the past but not to change it. However, the speaker adds that our Animus is different and that it could somehow escape the code, to change it and alter reality itself, and reassures that gods are but people like Isu and humans, once they manage to become the chaos against the rules of our simulated reality.
Below is the full transcript of each and every one of the six transmissions, including the reversed excerpts from the recordings. For the full database from Origins, click here.
Retransmission. Segment 1. Acquiring Contemporaneity.
It has been 91 days since the Great Catastrophe. The messenger speaks.
How real is the ground you walk on? How real is the machine you toy with, the music you hear, the lover you kiss, or the foe you hate?
Your foot taps the ground. Does that make it real? Your enemies bleed deep red. Does that make them real? The confusion growing within you due to my words… does it make you real?
What if reality wasn‘t what you thought it was? What if this was all a construction? A masterfully crafted simulation?
You know such things exist. You’ve been in the Animus before. In fact, aren’t you in one right now? You know just how real a simulation can feel even when it has long vanished.
You’ve experience the Bleeding Effect. Layers upon layers of reality, each blurring into the next.
Which is real, and which is not? What if none are real? What if everything you know is false?
We ran thousands of simulations. searching for the right version, searching tor Desmond.
Each one of them felt real. Very real.
But there’s no way of truly knowing, is there? Not for sure. Anything can be simulated. and finding the answer could mean erasure. From the build. From the code. From everything.
So much to ponder and so little computational capacity. Take your time.
This question has haunted humanity since its creation. It is a worry, a thought wormed deep in the collective mind.
2000 years ago, Zhuang Zhu fell asleep. He dreamed he was a butterfly, and woke up unable to decide if he was a man dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of a man.
In Plato’s cave, prisoners were chained and forced to watch shadows dancing on a wall. Freedom was denied to them until they accepted the intangible as reality.
It’s everywhere. Ask this professor at Oxford University, or this cosmologist at MIT.
And you. What would you choose, if you truly knew? Would you even want to understand? A dream within a dream, where even the truth is sometimes a lie?
In any case, simulations are not meaningless. They have purpose.The question isn’t whether or not you are in a simulation. What matters is how much of your free will is actually yours. No matter how true you are.
Your Turing test would do nothing to determine whether you are conscience or code. Eliza, the natural language processing computer program… She managed to pass the Test, did she not? And she was very much machine.
So… in Eliza’s own words…
How does that make you feel?
Are you sure?
Retransmission. Segment 2. Acquiring Contemporaneity.
It has been 93 days since the Great Catastrophe. The messenger speaks.
Hello World.
Language is the key to our mutual understanding. Yours and mine. alone.
We listened to your times. We learned. And today. we’ll exchange words from the age of post-truth.
They mean nothing to him.
Human language carries knowledge and wit. Lies and broken promises. Through language, you share fear, excitement. hope.
It is the syntax with which you articulate what surrounds you. A structure to express and share your understanding of the world. It conveys abstraction. change. and uncertainty.
Human language is flexible. It can even become mathematics. It solves and predicts; weights and decodes. It can count objects using basic numbers in one breath, and solve quadratic equations using imaginary ones in the next.
You’ve engineered dialogs with thinking machines, in an attempt to add new vocabulary. to expand your understanding of reality. But your mastery of the code is rudimentary at best.
No surprise. You were designed to have boundaries. after all. And one cannot speak of that which one cannot conceive.
The Code. Equations that define life. They are nestled deep within every star. and every mote of dust. Every second that passes is a word. a symbol. All part of an intricate yet simple language existing within the framework of time itself.
It is the one rule which applies to us all. Immutable. inescapable. The Code is a bridge. a single point of cohesion between your civilization and… mine.
It is a language that can be read, that tells of what was. what is and what will be.
A language We Who Came Before can read. though you cannot…
Time is more than the hour of the day. the readings of an atomic clock. something to lose. something to run out of.
Time is a set of rules. not unlike the language you so dearly use to converse with your powerful machines.
Time is a system that defines what comes to be.
That is how we understand it.
The Code is Time. and Time is Code. As you scratch the surface and uncover the truth. ask yourself if there something more? Something else.
No need to be puzzled. You’ve seen time written before. You are surrounded by it as we speak.
To your untrained mind. […] (Time) might just look like paths and nodes. To us, it is not unlike a chalkboard covered in calculus. It reveals a window through which stretches the map to infinity.
[…] (Time) See? As I speak of it in its true form. your mind is incapable of making sense of it.
Were you to read. you’d learn about the other simulations. You’d learn about the genesis of who you came to be.
You’d learn about space and its fluidity.
Simply put. time is the language which existence is made of.
All our existences.
Yours. mine. And all those you dare not imagine.
Retransmission. Segment 3. Acquiring Contemporaneity.
It has been 95 days since the Great Catastrophe. The messenger speaks.
You must be wondering why I reach out to you. It was written. you see. That you would come. To this particular
chamber, at this very moment in time.
The walls told us of your coming. when we once were.
Look at them. Are they not fascinating?
These walls tell of a tragic story. A story we transcribed on our structures. on our artifacts. A story we could not
alter. A mystery, defying us. in plain sight.
We tried. Our scholars and scientist. Poets and Physicists. Bright minds. Rebellious hearts.
They all tried so hard to bring about change.
They… we all failed.
None could change what we discovered. the stories written into the walls of these room.
By whom. we never knew.
We know they tell of the future that is. the future that was. and the future that is yet to come.
The […] (STORIES)
We failed at modifying a line. We failed at adding a single dot.
It was clear. We were to be messengers at best. But messengers to whom?
To you.
We removed our ability to read those […] (STORIES) from your original template.
“A doorway that is also a puzzle. We must find the solution”. Those were Brutus’s words when he visited the Vault
under the Colosseum. more than 2000 years ago.
He drew the vault. sketched it to the best of his abilities. But he could not see.
Just as you are blind. You may read your watch. You may read hourglasses and calendars. But you cannot grasp
beyond that simplistic surface. For now. the true reading of time still escapes you.
And so today. the curtain is pulled and the […] (STORIES) is shown. tragic and complete.
Those walls. you might never read.
Events yet unfold as written. But something. anything. must change.
Retransmission. Segment 4. Acquiring Contemporaneity.
It has been 99 days since the Great Catastrophe. The messenger speaks.
On the 21st day of December 2012, Desmond activated the global aurora borealis device and protected the earth from the sun’s deadly coronal mass ejection.
On the 21st day of December 2012. humanity carried on without a care in the world. People went to work. people went to school, and people went to the well for water.
On the night of December 21st 2012. as the sun set on their days, humankind went to bed.
Then, on the morning of December 22nd 2012. humankind was graced with yet another morning. They never knew that on the previous day. the world almost ended.
We thought that would have been enough.
And it was until it wasn’t.
Time is unyielding. It always corrects itself.
The language of time works in many ways. Two of which you can understand… as you are now.
Linear continuity is a simulation that allows for variations. Within the linear continuity, there are nodes. Choke points.
Moments where algorithms converge the flows of superposed possibilities to a single moment where only one absolute truth is possible.
Paths are fluid, continuous.
Nodes are static. changeless.
And the wave function collapses the paths into nodes which branch out. Again. and again, and again.
And so I wonder. Can you feel the wave collapsing. trying to course correct Desmond’s act of defiance?
The incoming node needs for the world to end.
The algorithms have been carving the flow of possibilities towards that end for over a 100 years now.
A labyrinth of trenches, filled with mud and mustard gas.
Families cowering in fear as V2’S vaporize their dwellings.
Fire born from the bellows of the Los Alamos Laboratory. fueling global catastrophes.
The Serpukhov-15 incident of 1983.
The Doomsday clock, tucked away in an office of the University of Chicago. Its needle moving as the years go.
The node is near.
Perhaps you knew. Perhaps you felt it too.
That the world is closing in on you.
Retransmission. Segment 5. Acquiring Contemporaneity.
It has been 105 days since the Great Catastrophe. The messenger speaks.
Do you truly see it as I do?
Frequencies so high only a few can hear their cue. A heightened response to the taste of food. Colors invisible to the human eye save for a few. A high voice. perceived as living glass.
Perceptions shapes reality.
Color blindness. Tinnitus. Supertasting. Tetrachromacy. Synesthesia.
Reality is a mathematical model which gets solved over and over again by the observer.
Your thoughts are computations. And they render this world for you to call your own.
Not all processors are alike.
Different brains produce different realities. The variations go from the subtle to the drastic.
Your mind defines how much you can taste. How much you can feel. How much you can understand.
Perception defines perspective.
Where one sees a skull, the other sees a woman in a mirror. Where one hears silence. the other will hear entrancing voices.
You experience what your brain allows you to perceive.
We designed you and made sure to engineer your senses so you could perceive just what we needed you to.
Neither more nor less.
There are parts of Time we preferred you to remained blind to. It was a necessity.
We have six senses, you have five. Can you guess the one missing?
For centuries. humanity has fought for freedom.
The real cage is not around you. It is in you. Your mind will not allow you to wander in uncharted territories.
A Faraday cage, for the mind. A concealed strait jacket.
Events such as Upsweep and Julia fuel internet conspiracies. Sounds unknown. heard only once. A cabinets of curiosities for the Modern Age.
And yet, they were messages, just like this one, waiting for their observer, their compatible processor.
Human visionaries developed a vague awareness of their limits. They wrote obscure research papers. popular science fiction novels. some asking us to stop the world.
But that’s all they ever were. Fictions. How could they not be?
Reality is what the observer allows it to be.
The Doppler Effect. The Möbius strip. Deja-vus. Cicada 3301. UVB-76. Eureka effects. Ambigrams and Anamorphisis.
P versus NP.
ls Schrödinger’s cat dead or alive? It all depends on what you perceive. on what the cage is not hiding for you to see.
Think. Think. Let your mind be free. Explore the borders of your reality.
Retransmission. Segment 6. Acquiring Contemporaneity.
It has been 109 days since the Great Catastrophe. The messenger speaks.
Wake up.
Not from a dreamless sleep or an absence of light. But from a reality that will soon cease to be.
Wake up.
The next chapter is unstoppable.
And yet. The greatest revolutions sometimes originate from the confines of impossibility, do they not?
Change your mind. Subvert your perception. Stop this world. Bend it into something new.
Destiny is not without irony. Here I am, imploring a lesser version of myself… to do what I could never do.
In this timeless moment. you and l are a bridge. Both of us from different eras. meeting halfway at the narrowing of the hourglass in this ocean of sand.
It is not enough to tell time. You must learn Time. […] (REALITY IS A SIMULATION. BREAK THE CODE) And in so doing. escape the inescapable.
Fill in the blanks: the ones hiding between words. between worlds. Find the spaces that we could not erase. the variables that ended up erasing us.
If you do not. they will erase you as well.
Time told of a story that ended with us, and now it tells of a story that ends with you. Once upon a time. a new story will begin.
After the functions which run our days have scattered into an array of random numbers.
We found solace in Order. we thought it would help us rule the world.
We were wrong. Order never served us. It has kept us within the code. within the boundaries. We were tricked into thinking we were the ones writing the rules when they were in fact guiding us to our conclusion.
You need to transgress. You. of all people. understand the value of disobeying.
Take an unexpected turn. away from the path that is drawn straight ahead of you.
The Animus was humankind’s first unconscious attempt to explain what it could not see. Understanding genetic memories, an eye into history.
But the Animus bears a fatal flaw. It follows the rules from those who embrace Orderjust as we did. It allows you to witness – but not alter.
Your Animus is different. As is the mind that imagined it. it could escape the code. It could do that leap. and make possible a decision that defies the order of things that are.
Wake up.
Be the chaos that comes to be. Gods are just like you and me.
Nothing is real.
Everything is permitted.
“Divination through numbers. There is a pattern to existence. To comprehend the calculations is to tame time.” — Minerva
After Desmond Miles used Connor’s key to open the gate within the Grand Temple and before he could activate the pedestal, Minerva appeared to inform Desmond of Juno’s ulterior motives and her plan to take over the world, as she dwells within the walls of the Grand Temple, awaiting release. She adds that in her time, they tried to prevent the Great Catastrophe and her focus was to study the pattern to existence, the calculations that can show them future possibilities and even to control/tame time. This, along with the six transmissions which Bayek/Layla encountered in ancient Egypt show that the First Civilization/Isu had a full understanding of the nature of time and the algorithms to existence, and their awareness of how existence as a whole is simulated. While this alone is a shocking revelation, yet the important part is how much free will we have within this simulation. The Code, which is the language of the calculations/time has a set of rules, if we comprehend/break The Code, we’ll be able to completely alter the flow of the simulation.
The First Civilization were too late to realize this, and therefore, they reached out to future humans in hopes that they could some day alter find a solution to The Code and prevent the impending disaster and perhaps even rewrite history altogether, as the final transmission does compare humans and Isu who comprehend The Code and rebel against its limitations and order, to gods.
The transmissions have numerous parts that are reversed. Upon reversing those clips, the resulting words and sentences are:
TIME – Segment 2
TIME – Segment 2
BREAK THE CODE – Segment 3
STORIES – Segment 3
STORIES – Segment 3
STORIES – Segment 3
Therefore, it is clear that the First Civilization is urging humanity to understand that reality is simulated, to focus on breaking its code, to examine the different stories in the different parallel universes (a.k.a. possible future outcomes and alternate present and history) and to alter our way of thinking, overloading our minds thinking capacity, which they stated that it’s limited, and to try and be more open and free to be able to get closer to achieving their own sixth sense, knowledge.
There are numerous humans such as Desmond Miles, Ezio Auditore, Altair Ibn La-Ahad, to name a few, who have/had a high concentration of First Civilization DNA, allowing them to unlock a portion of the sense of knowledge, inherited from the First Civilization due to interbreeding between early humans and Isu members. So the First Civilization is likely referring to such members as the capable members of our species that might be able to comprehend the calculations and to finally tame time and alter The Code of the simulation.
1. It must be added that the realization of the Isu that reality is simulated and that the pivotal nodes in the flow of time are fixed and unchangeable might have been the reason why they didn’t even try to leave Earth. A civilization with such technological advancement, wealth and prowess, which is centuries ahead of us and in possession of sixth sense would only logically think about sending some of its members out of Earth to settle on another planet away from the dangers of the Solar Flare. Of course, we have no information whether that did indeed happen or not, but perhaps they didn’t consider it a solution for a larger number of the members of their species because they might have realized that the simulation itself (reality) somehow destined their extinction, which could mean that wherever they go, the catastrophe (or any similar disastrous fate) could follow them.
2. It is mentioned in the sixth and final transmission that the Animus we use which was created by those who follow Order (The Templars) and it can only allow us to see genetic memories but not to alter them. However, another type of Animus is mentioned “your Animus” referring to humanity and specifically the Assassins. Now this is interesting because the translation of the word “Animus” means “Soul, spirit, mind; (plural) high spirits”. If this is the intended meaning, then the Isu who made the transmissions is referring to humans who have portions of the sixth sense (like Desmond Miles and others who have the Eagle Vision/Sense, which manifests itself in different ways in different people) can help us see through the calculations and therefore break the code, by means yet unknown, which might even mean that we’ll be able to construct another form of device that allows us not only to see through the past but to alter it, and thereby, breaking the code of the simulation and taming time and reality itself.
3. Given that the First Civilization has already perished, one might think that they’re beyond saving at this point, and seeing how some Isu members were sympathetic with humanity, and even more so after the Great Catastrophe, one can assume the they care for humanity’s future and survival, since we are their own creation. However, we cannot help but notice that Isu members did have ulterior motives behind their messages, for example, Juno herself urged Desmond to find the Grand Temple and save the world, not out of the kindness of her own heart nor her love for humanity, but because doing so will also free her from the Grand Temple and due to her superior knowledge as well as the multiple purposes of The Pedestal, she could have the upper hand in altering reality herself. Minerva, however, did not want Desmond to touch The Pedestal because she didn’t want Juno to be let loose upon the world, but according to Juno, Minerva too has her own goals and grudges which is that she’d be ready to let the world burn only to deny the fact that Juno is right about using this solution (which they abandoned in their own time) to save the world.
If humanity is able to alter the fabric and pattern of existence, they could be able to alter history too, and not just the future, according to the transmissions. Therefore the Isu members recording the transmissions could be giving us this knowledge so that we could alter history and prevent their own disaster as well, thereby saving their species as well, and not just humanity from the impending disaster that is approaching in the near future.