Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – World Premier

Home / News / Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – World Premier

Ubisoft has just unveiled the cinematic world premier trailer of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, showcasing the game in-action for the very first time and introducing us to a brand new hero, Eivor, who was partially showcased yesterday in an 8-hour stream with BossLogic designing the complete artwork, which you can watch a time-lapse of. Watch the trailer in the player above.

In addition, Ubisoft also released more information from Valhalla:

  1. Will feature a protagonist selection, as you will be able to play both as a male and female Eivor.
  2. Customize Eivor’s hair, tattoos, clothing, war paint and gear.
  3. Dialogue options will return as you shape your fate throughout the story.
  4. Initiate raids with your Viking clan and gather resources.
  5. Build and expand your own settlement. A place to call home.
  6. Political influence mechanics.
  7. Traditional open world action-adventure gameplay
  8. Layla Hassan, the modern day protagonist from Origins and Odyssey will return to lead the present day segment in Valhalla
  9. The game will focus on the historical conflict between the two warring factions and lore elements that hardcore fans grew to love and admire about the franchise.
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