The first airing of the TV ad for Assassin’s Creed: The Official Collection is later today. The trailer is voiced by Paul Roger Amos, Jacob Frye’s voice actor. A sneak-peek has been released on the official Assassin’s Creed Collection Facebook page. The full trailer will be uploaded on The Codex once it becomes available.
Assassin’s Creed Collection also revealed information about their first issue which is coming next week which includes the following:
- A profile on Altaïr, including his choice of robes, weapons and skills.
- A look at his friends and enemies, including Al Mualim, Tamir, Garnier De Naplouse, Sibrand and many more.
- Information on his abilities and weapons, including the famous ‘Leap of Faith’ and the the hidden blade.
- Details of the areas Altaïr found himself in, including Maysaf, Acre, Damascus and Jerusalem.
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