Assassin’s Creed Movie Soundtrack by Zed Kurzel is coming December 23rd, 2016 and is available for pre-order from Amazon. Checkout the track listing, but be warned, some song titles may contain spoilers such as references to locations or certain characters:
1. Initiation / Intro Running
2. Execution Onwards
3. Abstergo Rooftop
4. The Animus Room
5. 1st Regression – To Mountain Village / Wagon Chase
6. Cal Recuperates
7. Sofia + Rikkin
8. Bleeding Effect
9. Sofia’s Lab
10. 2nd Regression – Rooftop Chase
11. Tunnel Chase
12. Joseph And Cal
13. Cal Is Attacked
14. Patio Underground
15. Underground Fight
16. Columbus Suite – To The Port
17. Ancestors
18. Assassins’ Mutiny
19. Abstergo Breakout – Leap Of Faith
20. Seville To London
21. Assassination
22. Take Me To The Animus Theme End Credits
23. He Says He Needs Me
The soundtrack is currently available for pre-order on